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Cookie Policy

About Cookies

Upon utilizing our website or availing our services, you acknowledge the utilization of cookies in adherence to this Policy. A “cookie” refers to a minor file positioned on your device, enabling specific features we offer. For instance, we can situate cookies in your browser as it loads our site. Additionally, we might place cookies on your device as it accesses certain sections of our site.
Our purpose in using cookies is to provide you with an optimal user experience. You have the option to restrict cookies, as outlined below.

Third parties, which encompass reputable partner sites and analytical entities, can also implant cookies on your device. These cookies from third parties assist us in several functions elaborated below, encompassing platform supervision, advertising, and behavioral analysis.

Cookie configuration

We, along with our third-party suppliers, might employ cookies as follows:

Authentication and security. In cases where you possess a user account on our site, cookies aid in identifying the account, simplifying your log-in process, bolstering our security framework, and identifying malicious activities.

Configurations, functions, and services. Cookies can retain your communication preferences, pre-fill order forms, ease e-commerce services, enable user-specific content and functionalities, and enhance overall user-friendliness.

Advertising. Cookies or advertisements might be utilized to present third-party products to you and to ascertain if you have engaged with an advertiser or a third party. Our collaborators could employ cookies to ascertain if an ad has been displayed and its effectiveness, or they might furnish us with insights into your interactions with ads. Cookies enable us, as well as our associates, to track websites, pages, or links you’ve perused and how you interacted with them. Through cookies, pertinent advertising may persist even after leaving our site, as you explore the web or engage with mobile applications or search engines.

Analytics. Cookies are employed for comprehending, enhancing, and advancing our website, services, products, and functionalities. We scrutinize inbound traffic from diverse sites, applications, or devices, encompassing computers, tablets, or mobile devices. We assess data about your purchases, analyzing the links you click on, all in pursuit of perpetual enhancement and augmentation of our site’s allure.

Affiliate Marketing. Cookies might be utilized to bolster our affiliate marketing endeavors. When you visit one of our affiliates or partners and interact with an ad or link leading to our site, the browser will receive a tracking cookie, indicating that you discovered us via the affiliate or partner.

Despite cookies recording anonymous data, some information could potentially be correlated with your internet account. This encompasses the subsequent types of particulars:

  • Your IP address or proxy server IP.
  • Fundamental domain information.
  • The capturing of your Internet service provider, contingent upon your ISP connection’s configuration.
  • The date and time of your website visit.
  • Session duration.
  • Accessed pages.
  • Frequency of site access within any given month.
  • File size viewed.
  • The referring website that directed you to our site.
  • Your computer’s operating system.

The aforementioned information might be used for objectives elucidated in the preceding section. We shall safeguard this data in alignment with our Privacy Policy.

How to Restrict Cookies?

To manage or restrict cookies, inclusive of those from third parties, you can alter your browser settings. Browser preferences offer the option to accept all or a portion of cookies, receive notifications when a cookie is deployed, or decline all cookies.
Alternatively, the use of third-party cookies can be limited by visiting the Network Advertising Initiative’s opt-out page.

Nevertheless, it’s important to note that refraining from cookies might impact your user experience and potentially disable certain functions.