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Top 10 shortest goalkeeper in soccer

Top 10 shortest goalkeeper in world football of all time

In the world of football, there are goalkeepers with small stature but have conquered all limits to make a bold mark in the hearts of fans. Those warriors possess excellent ability to catch the ball and make excellent saves for their team. Let’s find out now the top 10 shortest goalkeeper in the world of football of all time!

Who is the shortest goalkeeper?

1. Jorge Campos (1m68)

Jorge Campos, an icon of patience and exceptional talent in the goalkeeper position, has proven that height is not the sole determining factor. He stands as a living testament to how agility and superior technique can compensate for shortcomings in height. Initially starting his career as an attacking player, Campos’ passion for the goalkeeper position drove him to train and refine his catching technique to excellence.

Jorge Campos - Shortest goalkeeper
Jorge Campos – Shortest goalkeeper

Speed, reflexes, and confidence aided Campos, considered the shortest goalkeeper in the world, to become a formidable presence in goal. His agility on the field and remarkable ability to deflect opponent shots were factors that created an image of Campos not just as a skilled defender but also as a creative and charismatic figure in football.

2. Francesco Quintini (1m68)

Francesco Quintini, a renowned Italian goalkeeper standing at just 1m68 (approximately 5 feet 6 inches), a height considered short for professional athletes. This placed him among the top shortest goalkeepers globally. Despite his limited height compared to most contemporaries, he demonstrated that it’s not the sole factor determining success on the field. Through maximizing speed, technique, and intelligence, Francesco became one of the premier goalkeepers.

Francesco Quintini - Shortest goalkeeper
Francesco Quintini – Shortest goalkeeper

Francesco Quintini became a symbol for shorter players in football, inspiring many young athletes, proving that nothing can deter passion and the will to succeed. His life and career serve as a clear testament to the importance of patience, perseverance, and fighting spirit in overcoming life’s obstacles and achieving dreams.

3. Juan Botasso (1m69)

Juan Botasso, an Argentine footballer, nurtured his passion for football from a young age. With intense passion and relentless patience, he began his career in the field. Despite being one of the shortest goalkeepers globally, Juan Botasso never gave up, always considering his height as a special advantage.

Juan Botasso - Shortest goalkeeper in soccer
Juan Botasso – Shortest goalkeeper in soccer

Botasso proved that standout performance isn’t dependent on height but rather on talent, patience, and fighting spirit. His resilience and excellent reflexes left a deep mark in football. Botasso wasn’t just an outstanding player but also a source of inspiration for sports enthusiasts worldwide. His determination and resolve are qualities everyone should learn from and acknowledge.

4. Teddy Davison (1m70)

Teddy Davison, a famous English goalkeeper, symbolizes patience and efforts to surpass limitations. Despite being one of the shortest goalkeepers globally, Teddy proved that with skill and strong fighting spirit, anyone can overcome barriers and achieve success.

Teddy Davison - Shortest goalkeeper in soccer
Teddy Davison – Shortest goalkeeper in soccer

Teddy’s exceptional talent helped him succeed at the professional level and earned respect from the football community. With quick reflexes, Teddy consistently thwarted dangerous shots on goal. He played a crucial role in directing the defense, always ready to lead and provide reassurance to teammates. Teddy Davison wasn’t just an excellent goalkeeper but also an icon of determination and unwavering will in football.

5. Steve Death (1m70)

Steve Death’s dedication and passion made him a respected figure not only in the football community but also in the broader sports landscape of England. Serving as a role model for young goalkeepers, Steve inspired and encouraged many to pursue their passions.

Steve Death - Shortest soccer goalkeeper
Steve Death – Shortest soccer goalkeeper

Starting his football career at 17 with the Reading Football Club, Steve quickly became one of the team’s pillars, showcasing impressive talent in making outstanding saves and blocking dangerous shots. Despite his modest height as a goalkeeper, Steve Death demonstrated his courage not only through his stellar performance on the field but also through his excellent tactical thinking and ability to command the defense.

With his contributions, Steve Death wasn’t just a star in the football world but also an icon of perseverance and dedication in pursuing dreams. His influence will be remembered by sports enthusiasts and fans worldwide.

6. Ted Burgin (1m70)

Ted Burgin is recognized for his quick reflexes and excellent shot-stopping ability. He was always ready to face dangerous shots from opponents and helped keep his team’s goal clean in many important matches. His fighting spirit and patience helped him stand firm in tense matches and instill confidence in his teammates.

Ted Burgin - Shortest soccer goalkeeper
Ted Burgin – Shortest soccer goalkeeper

He began his career with the Scunthorpe United Football Club in the early 1980s. Despite facing challenges due to his modest height, Ted Burgin quickly became one of the team’s key players and attracted the attention of a large number of fans. This shortest goalkeeper in the world was also called up to the England national team for the 1956 World Cup.

7. Giuseppe Cavanna (1m71)

Giuseppe Cavanna was an excellent Italian goalkeeper during the 1920s and 1930s. Cavanna’s career began when he played for Napoli and Pro Vercelli. Despite his limited height, Giuseppe Cavanna made it difficult for many opponents to score due to his impressive shot-stopping abilities.

Giuseppe Cavanna - Shortest soccer goalkeeper
Giuseppe Cavanna – Shortest soccer goalkeeper

At Napoli, Cavanna demonstrated excellent talent in thwarting opponents’ attacks and became one of the team’s top goalkeepers. Later, he was also called up to the Italian national team as a backup and contributed to Azzurri winning the 1934 World Cup in their homeland.

8. Oscar Pérez Rojas (1m72)

Oscar Pérez, one of the shortest goalkeepers globally, is famous for his high fighting spirit, patience, and quick reflexes. These qualities helped him successfully block dangerous shots from opponents and keep his team’s goal clean despite his limited height.

Beginning his professional football career in 1993 with the UANL Tigres in Mexico, Oscar Pérez experienced a journey full of ups and downs and successes. He played for many different clubs during his career, including Cruz Azul, Chiapas, Pachuca, and Querétaro. Throughout this time, he was known for his consistent performance and loyalty to the clubs he played for.

Oscar Pérez Rojas - Shortest soccer goalkeeper
Oscar Pérez Rojas – Shortest soccer goalkeeper

Persistence, loyalty, and effectiveness in every match helped Oscar Pérez build a solid reputation in football. He is a prime example of overcoming height disadvantages through talent and relentless dedication. Oscar Pérez will always be remembered as a shining star in Mexican football and worldwide.

9. František Planička (1m72)

František Planička, also known as “Planicka,” was a legendary goalkeeper from Czechoslovakia and the Czech Republic, symbolizing patience, talent, and fighting spirit in football.

Despite being only 1m72 tall, František Planička became one of the greatest goalkeepers in football history. He began his professional football career with Sparta Prague in the 1920s. From the early days, Planička quickly proved himself as a skilled goalkeeper with quick reflexes and the ability to stop opponents’ dangerous shots.

František Planička - Shortest soccer goalkeeper
František Planička – Shortest soccer goalkeeper

One of Planička’s outstanding characteristics was his teamwork and high responsibility in his career. He was always ready to defend the home goal and contribute positively to every match. With talent and fighting spirit, Planička was honored with numerous titles and awards throughout his career, contributing to his legendary status in football.

10. Juan Olivares (1m72)

Juan Olivares is a former Chilean goalkeeper with an impressive career in football. With remarkable technique and achievements, Olivares rose to become one of Chile’s outstanding goalkeepers. He was known for his high fighting spirit, becoming an icon of determination and reliability in a goalkeeper’s defensive style.

Juan Olivares - Shortest goalkeeper
Juan Olivares – Shortest goalkeeper

Olivares’ technical ability and situational awareness were highly praised, helping him make excellent saves in challenging situations. In addition to his club career, Juan Olivares also had the opportunity to play for the Chile national team. He participated in many international tournaments and played a crucial role in helping Chile achieve significant success in their football history.

With his enthusiasm and talent, Juan Olivares paved the way for a legend in the hearts of football fans in Chile and left a profound mark on the country’s history.


Thus, above are the top 10 shortest goalkeepers in the world. It can be seen that in the history of football there have been many talented goalkeepers although the height is not too superior. But with their fighting spirit and outstanding talent, they have become icons and inspirations in the field of football. See more relevant information here.

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