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What is spread betting basketball?

Learn about what is spread betting basketball

In the vibrant world of sports, basketball is not only a recreational sport but also an attractive investment opportunity for betting enthusiasts. One of the most popular and challenging forms of betting in basketball is spread betting. This type of betting requires players to have extensive knowledge of both the sport and how the betting market works. So “what is spread betting basketball and how does it work? Let’s find out in detail in this article.

what is spread betting in basketball
what is spread betting in basketball

What is spread betting basketball?

Point spread betting in the NBA is an attractive form of betting when you bet on teams. Whether you believe the favorite will win by a large margin or predict the weaker team will keep the game tight, you can almost always expect thrilling moments with many ups and downs in NBA games.

In every NBA game, there is a favorite (predicted to win) and a weaker team (predicted to lose). If you bet on the favorite, you are betting that they will win the game by a certain margin. Conversely, if you bet on the weaker team, you are betting that the weaker team will lose by fewer points than the set spread, or even win the match. If the weaker team wins the game, you also win the bet.

For example, let’s say the Los Angeles Lakers are rated higher than the Celtics by a difference of -3. This means that the Celtics are underrated with a +3 spread.

If you bet the Lakers win by a point difference, you need the Lakers to win the game by at least 4 points. Conversely, if you place a handicap bet on the Celtics, you need the Celtics to lose by 1 or 2 points, or win the game. In the event that the Lakers win by exactly 3 points or the Celtics lose by exactly 3 points, the result will be a draw and your bet will be refunded.

NBA Points Spread Betting Explained

Basically, you are predicting that the favorite will win by the margin set by the bookmaker, or that the underdog will not lose by that margin. The margin, also known as the ‘spread’, is the number of points that either team must pass to win.

As mentioned, handicap betting in the NBA is the most common type of betting. One of the reasons why this type of bet is attractive is because the odds are usually placed close to -110 for both sides. This provides balance for bettors, regardless of whether they choose the favorite or the underdog. Long-term profits are guaranteed by betting on standard levels near -110.

Handicap betting is best suited for those who have the skill and insight into the two teams in the match. A proficient gambler will consider factors such as injuries, travel schedules, motivation for revenge, and other factors of both teams before placing a bet.

How does the point difference work in basketball?

The spread is the most popular betting method in basketball odds. In its simplest form, the point difference balances any match, regardless of the power difference.

How basketball point spreads work
How basketball point spreads work
  • Team Strength: Teams with strong performances and talented rosters are often favored with higher point spreads. Conversely, weaker teams may receive fewer points.
  • Home Field Advantage: Playing at home can provide a significant edge, which is usually reflected in the point spread. Home teams are often favored by a few points to account for this advantage.
  • Injuries: Injuries to key players can greatly impact the point spread. If a star player is unable to play or is not in top form, the point spread will be adjusted in favor of the opposing team.
  • Recent Performance: The recent performance of a team, including winning and losing streaks and margin of victory, can influence the point spread.
  • Head-to-Head Record: The history of matchups between the two teams also affects the point spread, especially if they have faced each other recently. If one team consistently beats the other, they may be favored with a larger point spread.

Why bet on the NBA point differential vs. odds bets?

Most NBA bettors usually choose to bet on the spread rather than the cash flow, and for good reason. Unless the spread is small, such as 4 points or less, the value of the cash flow actually decreases as the spread increases. Therefore, when the spread increases, bettors can expect their profits to decrease because the ‘juice’ is calculated.

what is a spread bet in basketball
what is a spread bet in basketball

‘Juice’ can be understood as the amount of money the house collects when accepting your bet. If your bet wins, you will get the juice back along with the profit. However, if you lose, you will lose both the original bet and the juice paid to the bookmaker for the bet.

The difference between betting on the spread and betting on NBA moneyline is that, with moneyline, you only need to bet on the team you are betting on winning the game overall. Meanwhile, spread betting requires the team to win or lose by a specific score. There are a number of factors that affect point spread betting that are usually only known to experienced bettors. Sometimes, the slightest piece of information can make bettors feel they have found an advantage and decide to place a point difference bet on a team. For example, injury news, rest advantage, revenge stories, or pre-match interviews are all important factors in finding an advantage for the team you want to bet on.


So, through this article, you know about what is spread betting basketball? Spread betting basketball is a fun and challenging form of betting that requires players to have in-depth analytical knowledge and skills. Not only does it create thrilling and dramatic moments, but it also opens up lucrative opportunities for those who are knowledgeable about the sport. However, as with any form of betting, players need to be cautious and have a sound strategy to avoid unwanted risks. Enjoy the fun of betting smartly and responsibly!

See more: Reveal how to win millions in betting?